Record your voice with this four-part strategy and live the life of your wildest imagination.
Many people want to change something in their life, but they continuously fail and find themselves in the same pattern over and over again.
Did you know that 90% of your thoughts today follow the same pattern as yesterday’s thoughts? By thinking in yesterday’s corridor, you’ll repeat past behaviors. Your mind, actions, and body stay the way they are.
You can’t expect things or circumstances to change. Nothing changes unless you change.
Yet, many people fail to apply this advice. I didn’t feel comfortable in my body for years, and still, I felt unable to change until I stumbled upon one tool that changed the way I think, look, feel, and act: Affirmations.
Affirmations are inspiring self-talk. When repeated regularly, affirmations affect your subconscious and strengthen you mentally.
By repeating affirmations, you wire your brain to your future instead of repeating your past all over again. Once you change your thoughts, you’ll make new choices that ultimately lead to new behaviors and experiences, thereby creating your new self.
“The latest science in neuroscience says that when you close your eyes and rehearse an activity mentally, you begin to install the neurological hardware in your brain to look like you already did it.”
— Joe Dispenza
Follow these four-step morning affirmations and direct your attention to what you want in your life. You will gain more clarity, focus, vitality, and implementation power for your days ahead.
To apply this method with maximum effect, record your voice (more on that later). Before, select your favorite prompts for mindfulness, posture, vision, and mindset.
#1 Mindfulness Prompts to Get You Started
First, slow down your busy mind with prompts for awareness. These reminders help you find focus and calmness.
- Take ten deep breaths. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
- Close your eyes. Feel your body touching the surface beneath you.
- Breathe in fresh energy and exhale all worries and concerns.
- Scan through your body, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
- How does your ___________ (stomach, hand, head, foot) feel today?
- Listen to the sounds around you.
Once you’re grounded in the present moment and notice physical sensations, you’re good to go to the second step:
#2 Questions to Set Your Inner Posture
Before visualizations and actionable prompts, you want to ensure you plant your ideas into fertile ground.
Entering a state of gratitude, abundance, and appreciation sets the tone for winning your day. The deeper you allow yourself to experience these feelings, the more powerful your vision manifestation will be.
- What three things are you thankful for today? Feel the gratitude in your belly, expand gratefulness to your entire body, and let it flow beyond your body.
- How much gratitude do you allow yourself to feel today?
- Who helped you get where you are now? Send a mental note of appreciation to this person.
- You are enough. No matter what you are doing today. You are enough the way you are. You are right the way you are. You are right the way you look. At this moment, you are enough, no matter what you are doing.
- You can achieve whatever you’re striving for.
- You are in control of the decisions you make. You determine your speed of life. Your life is in your hands. You already have everything you need to create the life you want to live.
- Focus on your strengths. Remember, when you ______ (produced something you are proud). How did you feel?
Feeling gratitude and abundance takes practice. Try this six days in a row before you conclude, “I don’t feel any gratitude.” On somedays feelings are stronger, on some, they’re subtler. There’s no right or wrong about it. Both spectra are fine as long as you don’t judge yourself.
Soon you’re in a state of open-hearted mindfulness and ready for vision manifestation.
#3 Powerful Affirmations for Manifesting Your Vision
Now you created the fertile ground to plant your visionary ideas.
Pick the questions that feel out of your comfort zone. You aim to dream and think as big as you can.
- Imagine you achieved everything you aimed for in your life. How do you look? How do you feel? How do people around you react to your _______ (wisdom, power, drive, courage)?
Picture yourself as vividly as possible. Feel your new self. - Where do you focus on to bring more _____ (love, gratitude, laughter) to your life?
- What are the three most important steps today, you can take to move towards your vision? Where do you have leverage for change?
- If your day goes perfectly, what does it look like? What’s your posture?
- How do you feel at the end of the day?
- What will you be most proud of this evening?
- Which three steps you can take today that bring you closer to your vision.
#4 Inspiring Assertions for Your Winner Mindset
Lastly, you want to finish strong with inspirational prompts for manifestation.
Pick five or come up with a sentence that has more meaning to you personally.
- Courage means to speak up for yourself. You are courageous.
- Focus on practice instead of performance.
- Compare yourself to nobody but your yesterday’s self.
- Treat yourself as someone you’re responsible for helping.
- You attract everything you want into your life, including money, relationships, and opportunity.
- You are free, and you inspire freedom in others. You are calm and confident. You are fulfilled, and you are loved. You focus on the things you can control in your life. You are healthy, and you are strong. You are living your dream while being balanced.
- Whom can you help today through your actions? How can people win with and through you today? You rise by lifting others.
- You are compassionate. You listen to your feelings and sense the apprehensions of others. You do not react. Instead, you act intentionally.
- Be uncompromising with your time and with the things that you let into your consciousness. Everything you consume, media or food, affects you and your energy level.
- You only get what you dare to ask.
How to Apply It: Ready, Set, Record!
By recording your favorite affirmations for mindfulness, posture, vision, and mindset, you will win any day that you listen to your recording.
Highlight your favorites, grab your phone, and press record. The most powerful affirmations are the ones you record and speak to yourself.
Make sure to leave enough pauses behind every prompt so you can think and feel. For example, when you give yourself the prompt to take ten deep breaths, literally breath into the microphone ten times.
Ignore your ego, who’s probably telling you recording your voice is ridiculous. Just do it and start winning every single day.

You might not see it at first, but if you stick with it, there is no other habit that can bring a bigger transformation than listening to your self-recorded affirmations.
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive — to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”
— Marcus Aurelius
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